Build An Instant Web Site With Joomla Open Source Software A CMS will also bring about standardization because it enables content writers to upload on a template type system. Therefore, the actual format of the content usually cannot be changed by the writer; however the actual content may be edited simply. Therefore anything that the company has added before or after the content was uploaded cannot be controlled by the contributor. For example, titles, ad space, or other website content is owned by the managing company where they control the input of this content. However, this is usually how the website makes money and is reserved for another department in the company. What do you need your website to do? If you just need to have your trifold online, it doesn't really matter (and perhaps a CMS is over kill for your site anyway). Assuming you want your site to do more, what do you want it to do? Make innovative learning solutions for educators . Then compare widgets and extensions to see which content management system is more likely to meet your needs. Some amateur designers think the use of grids in web design is similar to a children's coloring book where you aren't supposed to step outside the lines. And here I was with my very first project. A course for an online MBA class and the subject was strategic marketing. Ah! I am familiar with this subject, I thought to myself. Secretly, from the back door or my subconscious mind, anxiety had begun to creep in. I was hearing unfamiliar jargon and some wired acronyms - project lifecycle, mpp, SME, and many others that are now a part of my regular life so wouldn't remember. As I started my way into the project lifecycle, I enjoyed being creative, being the representative of the target audience, and advised the SME on how to make the content more learner centric, without really being formally aware of theory and the principles of instructional design. If your CMS resides in-house, it means you can't update it unless you're in the office or on your company's private intranet. That means no ability to update when you're on the road. Choose innovative learning that runs in your web browser so that you can update your website from virtually anywhere, including your smartphone. This concept of e-learning has given rise to e-learning communities whereby people are able to interact with one another and get their queries answered or resolved. The Web 2.0 has enabled sharing of useful information and knowledge with immense ease. It will be to state the obvious that the Internet has always been a rich source of information. It is up to people how they use it. It is up to them whether they want to put it to good use. Using it for imparting knowledge is a very judicious use of the Internet to make the world a better place to live in. If I need support and clarification during the training, do you provide it through your own resources or have you outsourced support to an external source?
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